Hi there! During the first term, our 3rd-year students in Secondary Education (A, B, and D) have been working on intriguing mysteries
throughout history.

It is widely known that crime can happen anywhere. Therefore, the students chose an unsolved crime of their choice, and two different tasks were assigned to them to work on in groups. After carrying out thorough investigations, they wrote about their chosen crimes, answering typical questions such as: What happened? Who were the victims? Where did it happen? This activity was done as a narrative text, recounting the story with as many details as they could provide.

However, this did not end there. After telling the story, our students performed as if they were on a TV program, informing the audience about the various cases. 
They were free to present the crime in any way they liked. Some decided to act as TV presenters, while others chose to portray relatives of the victims, adding drama and interaction to the activity. It was incredible to see how creative they were.

Here we have an screenshot of the recorded videos as an example.
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